Terms and Conditions for eFlyers

Advertising Marketplace eFlyers terms and conditions. All advertising needs to comply with the National Law and National Boards AHPRA.

By booking an eFlyer, you agree to the following conditions. Check availabilities for eFlyers call us at 02 9410 0099 or email info@osteopathy.org.au

  • Content must be relevant to osteopathy and is subject to Osteopathy Australia approval. Osteopathy Australia reserves the right to refuse to advertise.
  • Content is to be submitted electronically no later than five business days prior to broadcast.
  • The copy will be formatted to comply with Osteopathy Australia template requirements including font, colour, and style.
  • Images are to be submitted in either PNG, JPEG or GIF format.
  • eFlyers are placed on an email template with a mandatory Osteopathy Australia heading banner and a footer disclaimer stating that the item is a paid advertisement.
  • The advertiser will receive a draft and the opportunity to send revisions. Further changes requested after the second draft will incur a fee outlined in the fee schedule.
  • Osteopathy Australia is not responsible for missed broadcast dates due to delays in the eFlyer editing and approval process.
  • Once payment has been received and therefore work has commenced on your eFlyer, payment will not be refunded. The eFlyer booking can be transferred to another available date without additional charge.
  • No advertisements can be booked if any outstanding payments are due.