Terms and conditions for Osteo Careers job advertisements

Terms and conditions for placing a job advertisement in Osteo Careers.

By posting a job advertisement in Osteo Careers, you agree to the following conditions and we ask that you keep in mind that the Osteo Careers job vacancies section of this website is a public space. With this in mind, advertisements:

  • Must not be placed on behalf of non-Osteopathy Australia members or practices owned and operated by non-Osteopathy Australia members
  • Must not use slang (e.g. rubbers and crackers)
  • Should not use discriminatory references to, for example, gender, race, age etc
  • Should not include product advertising

Advertising must only relate to the recruitment of osteopaths.

Note multiples of the same advertisement will be deleted.

Advertising deemed by Osteopathy Australia to be offensive will be removed without prior notice.

Advertising cannot be placed on behalf of a third party or a non-Osteopathy Australia member. Any advertisement in breach of this condition will be removed and invoiced at the full non-member rate.

Advertisements will be automatically deleted after four weeks. If you would like to extend the duration of your advertisement, you will need to resubmit the advertisement.

For more information, please email info@osteopathy.org.au.

How do I advertise a job in Osteo Careers?

Advertise a job